Susie Harwood Garden
Susie Harwood Garden
UNC Charlotte Botanical Gardens
Most Viewed Plants
Abelia chinensis #2
Common Name
'Camflouge Fatsia'
(unnamed seedling)
Adam's Yew
Alabama Croton
Alleghany Spurge
Allen Bush Green & Gold
Autumn Bride Heuchera
Autumn Fern
Ballet in Pink Camellia
Beaked silky Camellia
Becketts Red Camellia
Big Leaf Magnolia
Big Sepal Azalea
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Blue Evergreen Hydrangea
Bordeaux Yaupon Holly
Boxleaf Honeysuckle
Bramble Fern
Bridalwreath Spiraea
Bugleweed groundcover
Butcher's Bloom
Buttercup Winterhazel
Chicken Wire Plant
Chinese Camphor
Chinese Grape Holly
Chinese Snowball Viburnum
Chinese Tulip Poplar
Christmas Fern
Cinnamon Girl Distylium
Cinnamon Leaf Vibernum
Cole's Prostrate Canadian Hemlock
Columnar Boxwood
Conoy Viburnum
Cornelian Cherry
Covey Weeping Redbud
Deer Fern
Dixie Wood Fern
Dorothy Wycoff Andromeda
Double Flowering Almond
Double Horsechestnut
Double Mint Gardenia
Dragon-eye Pine
Drops of Gold Japanese Holly
Dwarf Clumping Bamboo
Dwarf Crested Iris
Dwarf Florida Anise Tree
Dwarf Japanese Andromeda
Eco Minibox Azalea
Emerald n Gold Wintercreeper
Empress of China Dogwood
Encore Azalea
Eureka Gold yaupon Holly
Fairywings (Common Yellow)
Fall Blooming Camellia
Fall Blooming Cyclamen
False Mondo Grass
Flame Creeper Azalea
Flordia Anise Tree (species)
Florida Flame Azalea
Florida Sunshine Anise
Florida Torreya
Flowering Almond
Flowering Dogwood
Fragrant Wintersweet
G.G. Gerbing Azalea
George Lindley Taber Azalea
Gold-leaved Winterhazel
Golden Larch
Golden Rule St. John's Wort
Green and Gold groundcover
Grey Owl Juniper
Harland Boxwood
Harry E. Huntington Camellia
Harry Lauder Walking Stick
Heartleaf Ginger
Henry Anise Tree
Himalayan Dragon-eye Pine
Ice Crystal Oakleaf Hydrangea
Incrediball Hydrangea
Indian Pink
Indigo Flair Mahonia
Japanes Acuba
Japanese Anise
Japanese Aralia
Japanese Cornel Dogwood
Japanese Evergreen Spicebush
Japanese Holly Fern
Japanese Painted Fern
Japanese Persimmon
Jelena Witchhazel
Kingsfield Dwarf Boxwood
Korean Boxwood
Korean Spice Viburnum
Kotomaru Japanese Maple
Kuma bamboo grass
Lacebark Pine
Lacecap Hydrangea
Lemon Lime Nandina
Luster Leaf Holly
Man Size Camellia
Margey Jenkins Fetterbush
Marvel Mahonia
Miss Saori Hydrangea
Momi Fir
Mountain Laurel
Narrow Leaf Mahonia
NC State Flowering Peach
Nightingale Hydrangea
Northern Japanese Aucuba
Ogon Spirea
Old Fashioned
Palm Sedge
Paperbark Maple
Peedee Ingot Monkey Grass
Peewee Oakleaf Hydrangea
Peruvian Lily
Pictum Japanese Painted Fern
Pignut Hickory
Pineapple Guava
Pink Fever Fevertree
Pink Hybrid Buckeye
Plumleaf Azalea
Poet's Laurel
Pond Cypress
Red Buckeye
Red Buckeye (all red)
Red Dragon Japanese Maple
Red Filagree Lace Japanese Maple
Red Stem Shiny Fetterbush
Richard Harland Boxwood
Rosaflora Azalea
Ruby Snow' Loropetalum
Self Heal / Heal-All
Seven-son Flower
Shagbark Hickory
Shining Fetterbush
Shiny Blueberry
Siberian Arborvitae
Siberian Juniper
Silverleaf Ginger
Skinner's Hardy Banana Shrub
Snow Rose
Sourwood Tree
Southern Shield Fern
Spider Azalea
Spike Moss
Sweet Box
Switch cane
Table Top Maple
Tama-no-ura Camellia
Tassle Fern
Tea Viburnum
Thyme Leaf Azalea
Thyme-leaved Azalea
Tricolor Red Camellia
Trident Maple
Troll Maidenhair Tree
Twilight Nandina
U.S. Naturalized Gladiola
Umbrella Pine
UNCC Dwarf Firethorn
unknown cultivar
Variegated Cleyera
Variegated Silverberry
Variegated Tea Olive
Vintage Jade Distylium
Virginia Sweetspire
Viridis Japanese Maple
Vivid Red Azalea
Walters Viburnum
Wates Golden Virginia Pine
Weeping Pink Flowerin Apricot
Wheel Tree
White Ash
White Florida Anise Tree
White Forsythia
White Oak
Willie Hite Camellia
Winter Daphne
Winter Honeysuckle
Winterberry – native
Wolf Eyes Chinese Dogwood
Yellow Mexican Orange
Yulan Magnolia
Winter Walk
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Big Leaf Magnolia
Big Leaf Magnolia
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Botanical Name
Common Name
Magnolia macrophylla 'Whopper x Ashei' #1
Winter Walk
Big Leaf Magnolia
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