Amy Foster discusses her twelve years as a livestock farmer and co-owner of Gilcrest Natural Farm in Iron Station, North Carolina. Mrs. Foster expresses her desire to control her food and develop her land as factors that led her to become a full time farmer.
Ellis Farms - Audra Ellis
Ellis Farms is owned by Audra Ellis and her husband Rick Ellis.
Proffitt Family Cattle - Shelley Proffitt Eagan
Shelley Proffitt Eagan is a 46 year-old white female, and has been an owner and operator of Proffitt Family Cattle Company since 2008, that she owns with her father.
Yow Farm - Eddie Yow
Mr. Eddie Yow discusses his life, reflecting on the many changes to farming and livestock raising in the North Carolina Piedmont region. Mr. Yow was born local to the area in 1952. and has lived in Stanfield, NC for over 30 years.
Off Grid in Color - Chantel Johnson
Chantel Johnson was born in 1987 and initially planned a career in social work, obtaining her Masters of Social Work from the University of Washington. However, after the tragic death of her brother in Chicago due to gun violence, Chantel turned to agriculture and homesteading as a method of healing her grief.
Big Oak Farm - Mike Smith
Big Oak Farm is a beef and pork operation that has been in the same family close to 200 years.
Muddy Springs Farm - Jeff Stevens
Muddy Springs Farm raises steers that they either buy them from a sale, or from a dairy, and they then bottle feed and take them to Whitfield, Virginia where they sell them.
Ferebee Farm - James Ferebee
James Ferebee is a 20-year-old white male and owner of Ferebee Farm, which he started in 2011. He began farming commercially in 2015 and raises heritage sheep and pigs, as well as chickens and ducks.