
The Queen’s Garden: Oral Histories of the Piedmont Foodshed seeks to collect the stories of those who grow, cultivate, produce, and distribute fresh food in the greater Charlotte region.

A lot of changes have happened to our foodshed over the past half-century. Growing urbanization and an active farm-to-fork movement have created new demands, while encroaching sprawl and rising land costs have led to new innovations like agrotourism, urban farming, and growing microgreens. This oral history project explores both the rewards and challenges of those who currently and historically have participated in and helped to create the region’s foodshed. By documenting the oral histories of farmers, gardeners, ranchers, gleaners, and other distribution efforts, we hope to portray the sometimes unexpected and creative ways that local food production and distribution has occurred and changed over time.

Some of our favorite foodway websites

Interviewers and Thanks


IntervieweesSubjectsOrganizations/BusinessesDate EstablishedLocation
Barbee,TommyFarmBarbee Farms~1900Concord, NC
Brun, Kate Greenhouse agricultureLucky Leaf Gardens2010Harrisburg, NC
Buch, Kim Food DistributionNiner Pantry at UNCC2014Charlotte, NC
Bush Carter, LucyFood DistributionFriendship Trays1976Charlotte, NC
Byrd, RebeccaCommunity GardenStudent Community Garden at UNCC2014Charlotte, NC
Carrigan, DougFarm, agrotourismCarrigan Farm1902Mooresville, NC
Correll, David FarmCorrell Farms LLC1880Cleveland, NC
Deneau, CarieGreenhouses, Farming, Healthy EatingTega Hills Farm1999Fort Mill, SC
Dover, Elizabeth AnneFarm, wineThe Farm at Dover Vineyards2009Concord, NC
Eagan, Shelley ProffitLivestockProffitt Family Cattle CompanyKings Mountain, NC
Eaves, Anson Feed MillBethel Feed & Farm1957Midland, NC
Edwards, RonaldFarmSprings Farms1936Fort Mill, SC
Ellis, AudraLivestockEllis Farms2012Lincolnton, NC
Ferebee, JamesLivestockFerebee Farm2015Rock Hill, SC
Fletcher, ChrisFarmPersonal Farm2008Cabarrus County, NC
Ford, NadineCommunity GardenLittle Sugar Creek Community Garden2009Charlotte, NC
Foster, AmyLivestockGilcrest Natural Farm2007Iron Station, NC
Godman, Mendy; Hawes, Sue; April, KimFood DistributionFeeding Charlotte (formally Food Connection)2018Charlotte, NC
Hall, Lara FarmHall Family Farm2008Charlotte, NC
Hall, RickeyPolicy, activism, urban gardeningWest Boulevard Neighborhood Coalition~2016Charlotte, NC
Hendel, EmmaFarm, Greenhouse agriculture, Healthy Eating, Organic Farming, Urban FarmFair Share Farm, LLC2014Pfafftown, NC
Johnson, Chantel Homestead, livestockOff Grid in Color2017Salisbury, NC
McKenzie and SuydamCommunity GardenAvondale PresbyterianCharlotte, NC
McLeod, T. Organic FarmingMcLeod OrganicsHuntersville, NC
Newman, Conner and Schoch, Kim FarmHodges Family Farm1905Charlotte, NC
Newton, AaronFarmLomax Farm2009Concord, NC
Robinson, Mark and MindyUrban Farm, GreenhousesTega Hills Farm1999Fort Mill, SC
Rowland, JoeOrganic FarmingRowland Row Farm2012Gold Hill, NC
Shaw, Kim Urban FarmSmall City Farm2009Charlotte, NC
Sherman, Lisa Greenhouses, FarmingTega Hills Farm1999Fort Mill, SC
Siers, Jean GleaningSociety of St. Andrew1983Charlotte, NC
Smith, MikeLivestockBig Oak Farm~1820Kannapolis, NC
Stevens, Jeff LivestockMuddy Springs Farm2005Iron Station, NC
Sumerel, Jerry and TaynaBeekeepingHoneysuckle Hill Bee Farm~2011Concord, NC
Watson, MattLivestockWatson Farms1969Chester, SC
Williams, Ed Community GardenMyers Park Baptist Church2013Charlotte, NC
Wyatt, Zack Urban Farming, activismCarolina Farm Trust~2015Cornelius, NC
Yow, Eddie LivestockYow FarmStanfield, NC
