12 plants found.
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ClearSwamp azalea
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Rhododendron viscosum var montana
(1999) This plant is located in the “Azalea Hill” open area created by the fallen giant white oak. Most plants in this area are azaleas with a few small trees and herbaceous plants. It is located on the trail, at the north end of the area, just south of another viscosum plant.
Rhododendron viscosum 'Lemon Drop'
(1999) This plant is located in the “Azalea Hill” open area created by the fallen giant white oak. Most plants in this area are azaleas with a few small trees and herbaceous plants. It is located on the trail, just south of R. maximum, at the north end of the open area.
Rhododendron viscosum #7
(Unknown date) This old azalea is located on the trail, midway between the intersection with the North Loop Trail and the culvert/ditch.
Rhododendron viscosum #6
(Before 1980) This plant is located in the small area bounded by the Pine Woods Trail on the west, the fence on the east, the Scout Bridge Trail on the south and an extensive growth of ‘Maxecat’ rhodos on the north. It is on the trail, a large, old plant with a brass label.

Rhododendron viscosum #5
(2013) This azalea is located in a small area off the Pine Woods Trail, just south of the Azalea Circle. It is dominated by large R. ‘Maxecat’ plants. It is one of two azaleas on the west side of this area. The accession number is 13-V-058.
Rhododendron viscosum #4
(Unknown date) This azalea is located off the trail, below all the Louisiana plantings and northeast of R. 'Heman Howard'.
Rhododendron viscosum #3
(Before 1980) This plant is located in a narrow area bounded by the Long Branch and the Long Branch East Trail, starting with the Stone Bridge and going to the Hech Bridge near the entrance to the Coastal Plain. It is a large plant on the creek bank, the first azalea just north of Hech Bridge.
Rhododendron viscosum #2
(Before 1980) This large azalea is located on the trail, on the eastside of R. 'Anna Rose Whitney', not far from Hech Bridge. It takes some severe pruning on the large rhodo to keep it from engulfing the azalea.
Rhododendron viscosum #1
(Before 1980) A large azalea with white flowers, blooming late. It is located near the main entrance on the flagstone path opposite the large hemlock tree.
Rhododendron serrulatum#3
(2009) This azalea is summer blooming with white flowers. It is commonly grouped with R. viscosum due to similarities. It is located near the rock outcropping overlooking the bog, close to the large Vulcan rhodo.
Rhododendron serrulatum#1
(Before 1980) This azalea is sometimes grouped with R. viscosum. It has the same white flowers and similar bloom time in mid-summer. It is located in the area at the north end of the Kellam Trail, in a section (now obscured) that was rock-lined to enclose a planting of azaleas. It is just north east of R. 'Grierosplendour' and at the north edge of a spreading Leucothoe plant.
R. viscosum
(Unknown date) A tall, old azalea in the area southwest of the Cabin. It is located about midway between the Cabin and Rosebay Trails.